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"Top quality Chinese training"

"Certified & experienced teaching professionals" 

ZHIDA has established long-term strategic partnerships with schools and universities from different tier cities in China. Working in partnership, schools and local authorities to organise activities promoting Chinese language and culture and fostering links with Chinese communities across the globe.

We are committed to provided a package of teaching resources and materials to each and every schools and enterprises in Ireland to have an opportunity to access Chinese language and culture.

Examples of activities & services we provide:

  • Teaching Chinese

  • Facilitating the education of teachers to teach Chinese in primary and secondary schools

  • Organizing conferences and in-service events related to the teaching of Chinese language and culture

  • Implementing Chinese language and culture courses for the local community & Businesses

  • Supporting Chinese cultural activities and competitions.


We understand that your time is valuable, so if it is more convenient, we are happy to send a trainer to your company or other suitable venue to deliver a course. In this way, you can save your time and learn Chinese more efficiently.


Besides group course for the staff, we also have exclusive modular one-to-one Chinese course which is the top-notch course in our school. It is designed for busy professionals needing to improve their Chinese in a time and cost efficient way.


All of our teachers are highly experienced in the field of Chinese language teaching. Many of them have a business background. So they have a genuine understanding of some of the issues that you face in your day to day work and can provide outstanding business Chinese lessons.


Our classes stress speaking and pronunciation skills. We also offer a variety of Chinese customizable course options for students regarding grammar, writing, Chinese culture, business Chinese and much more.

In-Company Training Process:

Step 1: Before the classes start

We first do an in-depth research and analysis of the company's / individual's needs and requirements, as well the assessing current Chinese language levels and varying special requirements. We then will make a proposal according to our findings. Afterward, a teacher will provide a trial lesson. If the party at hand is satisfied with the teacher and the materials being used, a contract will be drafted and signed so that we may move on to the formal courses.

Step 2: During the period of classes

We will periodically make reappraisals and evaluations of teachers and students, usually once a month. The teacher will also provide a progress reports to both the company and the students. Courses will be adjusted or redesigned according to the reappraisal if necessary.

Step 3: After finishing the classes

Final evaluation of the students will be made after the course is completed. We will provide final report and certificate to the students.


If you are looking for experienced Chinese language & culture teachers for yourself or for your institution, please contact for more details.

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