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Dublin & Suzhou & Taicang|2024年“赢在苏州 创赢未来”国际创客大赛太仓直通赛爱尔兰赛区


一等奖: 基于大模型的深度智能车载AI情感感知系统的研发与产业化

二等奖: 基于病毒插入突变肿瘤早筛试剂盒的研究及产业化


三等奖: 国产燃气管网仿真智算系统的研发及产业化






一等奖:  基于V2X网络的自动驾驶配送系统及平台产业化

二等奖: 量子点液滴阵列芯片-AquaQuant智能水质传感设备


三等奖: FastNet Photonics:100G波特率EML芯片的产业化

                    Hiii Meta—基于AIGC的共创社区



Dublin & Suzhou-Kunshan|2022年“赢在苏州·创赢未来”国际创客大赛爱尔兰赛区


一等奖:  新型跨境金融信息技术服务平台--极简汇率

二等奖: 北斗三期四模5G十一频卫星导航SOC芯片产业化项目


三等奖: 星网边缘算力网络平台--海量设备连接和管理的边缘计算平台



Win The Future" International Venture Contest in Dublin

2019-2020 Suzhou "Win The Future" International Venture Contest in Dublin 

​In order to facilitate the development of overseas talents and drive excellent projects into Suzhou, and also to better integrate Ireland’s scientific research technology and Suzhou’s humanistic entrepreneurial environment, “Win the Future” Venture Contest for International Entrepreneurs (Dublin) 2019 was held in Dublin on October 13th, 2019. This inaugural startup pitch competition aims to strengthen the innovative interaction between China and Ireland, in order to better serve potential projects and enterprises within Suzhou.

  • 41 projects from Ireland, UK, Belgium. More than 70% of candidates hold PhD degree or are PhD candidates.

  • 8 projects have won the first, second, third & excellence awards respectively.

  • Special Thanks to Science, Technology, Education and Culture Section, Chinese Embassy in Ireland, UCD, LYIT, DIT, NUI Galway, UCD Confucius Institute.

Congratulations to 2019-2020 "Win The Future" Winning Projects (落户企业) established their companies in Taicang High-tech Zone (SEE MORE)

Taicang Global Entrepreneurship Competition in Dublin

Dublin | 2018 Final Dublin-Taicang Entrepreneurship in Camden Court Hotel 


Located in the strategic intersection of the Maritime Silk Road and the Yangtze River Economic Zone. During the period of the 13th Five-Year Plan, in order to accelerate the implementation of innovation-driven development strategy and initiatively integrate into “the Belt and Road” construction, the Taicang Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Taicang People’s Government decide to host the 1st "2018 Taicang Global Entrepreneurship Competition" with Zhida International so as to deepen Sino-Ireland cooperation, promote supply-side structural reform as well as boosting economic transformation and upgrading of Taicang.


Venture Week for International Elites in Suzhou

SUZHOU | ZHIDA International Elites in Suzhou, China 2016 - 2020


Zhida Sponsored over 100 UCD, DIT PhD and IT experts visited Suzhou, China. Zhida International becomes one of the overseas collaborative members of Suzhou, China. This is the first time Irish high profile talent to visit Suzhou city in Jiangsu. Exchange research ideas and entrepreneurship in the areas of Big Data, Bio Pham, Visual Reality.


Great thanks to the Suzhou government and Provincial Human Resource and Social Security Bureau.

PhD Researcher Exchange Event

GUIZHOU | ZHIDA PhD Researchers Exchange Event in China


Zhida Sponsored 11 TCD and UCD Phd and Post-Doc researchers visited Guizhou, China. This is the first time Irish high profile talent to visit Guizhou city in Guiyang. Exchange research ideas and entrepreneurship in the areas of Big Data, Bio Pham, Visual Reality.


Great thanks to the local government and Provincial Human Resource and Social Security Bureau.

Letterkenny Insititute of Technology China Programme

​ZHIDA - LYIT International Education Collaboration in Shangdong, Shanghai, Sichuan China 2014 - 2019


ZHIDA's team in China successful set up LYIT International Education Coolaboration Programmes with different Chinese universities. Mapping programmes in the strenght programmes of Accounting and Computer Science.


Special thanks to the team in Ireland and China, and on-going support from LYIT International Department, School of Business, Computing and Digital Design.

Shanghai International Medical Zone (SIMZ) Project in Dublin

​Zhida | PWC | SIMZ Project Recomendation Event


Project recomendation between SIMZ and Irish medical companies to develop their export and research market in China. Discussions at the event covered various topics including Biopham, medicine, medical device, research collaboration etc  


Special thanks to Mr Colm O'Callaghan Director at PWC, and Post-Doc Tao Zhang from TCD, and Senior BD Manager Chris Keely from TCD



Business Internship in Shanghai

​Zhida & LYIT China Programme


13 Irish professional and entrepreneurs spent 2 months in Shanghai working together with Chinese companies, government officials, artists, cultural specialists, innovation and incubation centres managements in order to improve their business links, professional experience, languages and career development.  Most importantly to understand how to do business in China.

Intensive case study and team project works in Shanghai includes 3D printing, Solar lighting system, Innovative energy system, RFID & IT solutions, Facial recognition, Medical device & Bio-phamercutical, Free Trade Zone, Entrepreneurship and Language training.


Special thanks to all Zhida employees and partners in Shanghai

Special thanks to Austin Gormley (Consul General Shanghai), Colin Murray (Enterprise Ireland), Minister Brendan Howlin. 


Summer Cultural Exchange in China

​Zhida & Errigal College Cultural Exchange in China (Shanghai & Hangzhou & Wuzhen)


18 Errigal students and teachers travelled with Zhida and spend 7 days in China during the hotest summer in the history of Shanghai! (40 C')


The culture event was hosted at our Gonghexin District Culture Centre and our Yirun Chinese Tea museum in Shanghai. Students had the opportunity to learn the Chinese tea culture, study different types of Chinese tea, practice Taiji, learn the Traditional Chinese painting, and showcase the Irish culture. The students and teachers were also invited to join a Gaelic football match with Shanghai GAA team. The culture event was featured on China Daily, Zhabei Government website, Xinmin Evening News, Renmin News, Shanghai Education NewsThe trip was exciting to Zhida & Errigal and we wish to see you all again in the future at Shanghai!

Great thanks to the Vice Principal of Errigal College Joe Boyle, teacher Caitriona Sweeney and International Education Manager of LYIT Jill Murphy. Keep learning Chinese!!

Zhida Cultural Exchange in China (Celebrating Chinese New Year)

Zhida & Rathdown School Cultural Exchange in China (Shanghai & Hangzhou cities)

12 Rathdown senior school girls and 2 teachers travelled with Zhida spend 10 days in China to celebrate the Chinese New Year! 

By mixing with local Chinese students, learning Mandarin, Kungfu, Tea ceremony, and many other cultural activities, all the Irish students have grown tremendously on their interpersonal skills. We have also showcased the Irish culture by performing traditional Irish musical instruments, Irish dancing, teaching English and played different types of Irish field sports.

The trip is short, but the memories and the friendships we built among all the Chinese and Irish students will last a lifetime. Special thanks to all the support from the parents, teachers and our volunteers.

© Copyright Zhida International Cultural Exchange Ltd. all rights preserved

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