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Zhida-Taicang Port (China-Ireland) Innovation Incubation Center
for International Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Zhida International & Taicang Port Economic and Technological Development Zone & the Science and Technology Bureau of Taicang Port Economic and Technological Development Zone



太仓港区(中爱)创新孵化中心,成立于2023年10月,是由中济叶祉与智达国际(爱尔兰)联合打造,在太仓港区的大力支持下创建而成。太仓港区(中爱)创新孵化中心位于太仓市北环路18号,港城广场14层,占地面积 1300m²,包括主办公地点800平米 ,独立办公室10+ ,办公工位80+,并配套会议室、创业共享休闲空间等。太仓港区(中爱)创新孵化中心致力于促进中国与爱尔兰、英国、新加坡、欧美等国家之间科技文化及教育等领域的创新与合作,依托苏州(爱尔兰)国际创客育成中心、太仓港区(爱尔兰)离岸创新孵化中心,深入打造集“企业孵化、资源对接、公司注册、专利申请、人才申报”等一站式创业服务平台。

The Taicang Port (China-Ireland) Innovation Incubation Center, established in October 2023, is jointly created by Zhongjingyezhi Company and Zhida International (Ireland), with solid support from the Taicang Port. Located at 18 Beihuan Road, Taicang City, the Taicang Port Area (China-Ireland) Innovation Incubation Center covers an area of 1300m², including a main office area of 800 square meters, 10+ independent offices, and 80+ office workstations, as well as supporting facilities such as meeting rooms and shared entrepreneurial leisure spaces. The Taicang Port (China-Ireland) Innovation Incubation Center is committed to promoting innovation and cooperation in the fields of science, technology, culture, and education between China and countries such as Ireland, the United Kingdom, Singapore, Europe, and the United States. It relies on the Suzhou (Ireland) International Maker Incubation Center, the Taicang Port Area (Ireland) Offshore Innovation Incubation Center to create an all-in-one entrepreneurial service platform that integrates “enterprise incubation, resource connection, company registration, patent application, talent declaration,” and more.

中爱创新孵化中心主营业务(The main business of the Innovation Incubation Center

  1. 推荐优质海内外人才/项目落户苏州,并协助人才申请当地的创新创业人才奖励政策;

  2. 促进海外(尤其欧洲)企业、项目与苏州企业合作研发、技术生产、投资并购和销售等形式合作;

  3. 促进爱尔兰当地高校,研发机构,创新中心与苏州政府、企业进行不同形式的合作;

  4. 负责“赢在苏州·创赢未来”国际创客大赛(爱尔兰赛区)承办工作;

  5. 为每年在苏州举办的国际精英创业周推荐优质项目,组织海内外人才报名等活动;

  6. 定期发布苏州市企业人才需求、项目需求、海外投资、并购及其他相关需求等信息;

  7. 在爱尔兰当地定期开展与创新创业相关的线下活动,促进当地创新创业氛围的提升等等

  1. Recommend high-quality talents and projects from home and abroad to settle in Suzhou, and assist talents in applying for local innovation and entrepreneurship talent incentive policies;

  2. Promote cooperation between overseas (mainly European) companies and projects with Suzhou companies in research and development, technical production, investment and mergers and acquisitions, and sales;

  3. Promote various forms of cooperation between local universities, research institutions, innovation centers in Ireland and Suzhou government and companies;

  4. Be responsible for organizing the “Win in Suzhou · Create a Winning Future” International Maker Competition (Ireland division);

  5. Recommend high-quality projects for the International Elite Entrepreneurship Week held in Suzhou every year, organize activities for domestic and foreign talents to sign up, etc.;

  6. Regularly release information on enterprise talent demand, project demand, overseas investment, mergers and acquisitions, and other related needs in Suzhou;

  7. Regularly conduct offline activities related to innovation and entrepreneurship in Ireland to promote the improvement of the local innovation and entrepreneurship atmosphere, and so on.


我们欢迎当地与欧洲各国有想法的创业者与我们联系,加入我们的创业大家庭!We welcome local entrepreneurs with ideas from various European countries to contact us and join our entrepreneurial family!》》Click to contact us点击联系我们

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